• Have Faith


    Don't Forget Who You Are

    Don't Believe the Propoganda

    Be Relentlessly Optimistic

    Keep Your Promises

    Be Good

    Be Forgiving

    Be Loving

    Be Humble

    Be Ambitious

    Be Careful

    Be Present

    Be Curious

    Be Patient

    Be Happy

    Be Peaceful

    Be Peaceful


I'm Jeung Park

I'm 27.

Born in Korea, raised in Arizona. I studied philosophy at Princeton and dropped out to do startups. Today, I'm focused on creating great music.

I draft little pieces of writing sometimes on Medium.

I'm 27.

Born in Korea, raised in Arizona. I studied philosophy at Princeton and dropped out to do startups. Today, I'm focused on creating great music.

I draft little pieces of writing sometimes on Medium.


Failure resides in the past, and the past doesn't exist


  • 1+1=8

    Move Fast

    Add energy

    Care deeply

    Push people to be their best

    Delegate and get the **** out of the way

    Build a blue chip team

    Build leverage

    Be mindful of project selection

    Spend 50% work hours on distribution

    Prioritize and allocate resources

    Do whatever it takes to win

    Enjoy the journey

Failure resides in the past, and the past doesn't exist


  • 1+1=8

    Move Fast

    Add energy

    Care deeply

    Push people to be their best

    Delegate and get the **** out of the way

    Build a blue chip team

    Build leverage

    Be mindful of project selection

    Spend 50% work hours on distribution

    Prioritize and allocate resources

    Do whatever it takes to win

    Enjoy the journey

Current Interests

I currently enjoy

I currently enjoy

I currently enjoy


Ping pong
Rock climbing
Compound lifts

Cold plunges

Fun questions that I've

Thought about

Thought about

Thought about


What's something you want someone to ask you?
What makes you say that the jacket's too big?
What are you creating today?
What are you consuming today?
How has the intensity been recently?
What has been working nicely?
What have I noticed?
What's something I should be mindful of?
What's the most important thing you could do today?

Future Interests

I want to

I want to

I want to


Build interesting software. Continue to stay active, eventually dabble with basketball, volleyball, soccer, jiu jitsu, etc

Learn the piano and guitar for songwriting, dance for fun, and explore photography and videography

Somehow giveback through non-profits

How do I serve the world?

How do I serve the world?

Another question


Last Updated: 2/18/2025